Walls and barriers spread all over down town Cairo and extended to the outskirts covering all squares that people demonstrate in. It divided the country into different parts just similar to what walls did in Berlin and Palestine.
Sitting next to the the wall, I think of the person on the other side, in a society that suffers a similar division.
Businesses suffered from those walls that forced the people to walk longer distances, but despite this suffering, people hate anyone trying to bring these walls down because to them it means new clashes and tear gas bombs.
This quick adaptation to the existence of walls impressed and scared me at the same time. First people jumped over the walls, then they made a hole that allowed them to crawl through it and avoid the risk of falling. Meanwhile the streets turned into parking lots, or football grounds.
Fear is one of the main reasons to build those walls that came after a popular revolution aimed for getting rid of all barriers. The disappearance of those walls mean one of two things; either the victory of the revolution, or the return of the old regime.